Hello and welcome to Tirna Lingo. We hope you enjoy your visit and come back again and again. Here you will find my blogs recording my language learning journey which I hope you find interesting and informative. Please comment and I will respond.
We also have info. on our new e-notebook for language learning. It is called ‘Hyperpolyglot’. A hyperpolyglot is a person who can speak 6 or more languages. You can use our app. with up to 10 languages simultaneously. However, if you are a beginner should only learn one new language at a time.
Blogs about language learning at Tirna Lingo.
My blog Best way to learn a language: What the experts say contains vital information for anybody interested in learning a language. Also, compare My Personal Language Learning Story with yours and leave a comment.
Our new language learning apps:
We are excited to have recently entered the world of language learning with our new Hyperpolyglot Language Learning App. This is a new idea. We designed it to work with any structured program to accelerate learning. However, it can be used on it’s own if you want to keep costs to a minimum.
We released a new version of ‘Hyperpolyglot’ this summer (2022) called ‘Polylingo’. It runs on iPhones (iOS16+).
Our Tirna Lingo newsletter
Please register with us and I will send you our newsletter when we release it. It will be available on a monthly basis and will contain more on language learning and information on Hyperpolyglot and Polylingo. We promise not to spam you.

Dr Jimmy Dripps B.Sc., Ph.D.